Friday, March 29, 2013


Who are you?
"0 perpetual revolution of configured stars,                            
0 perpetual recurrence of determined seasons,
0 world of spring and autumn, birth and dying!
The endless cycle of idea and action,
Endless invention, endless experiment".
Your answer must be that I am a Hindu.
You are a Hindu first and a Hindu last only then you can survive , exist and live with pride as a Hindu. This is the need of the present time.
You are not a Brahman, not a Kshatriya, not a Vishya and not a Sudra but you are a finished product of al these because when you use your brain you are a Brahman, when you use your power[ arms]you are a Kshatrya, when you do business you are a Vaishya and when you serve you are Sudra so do not weaken your community by dividing in Jatis or castes but be proud of what you are and what you do.
“There is not to make reply,
There is not to reason why,
There is but to do and die.
” Life is only an urge to move on this so; it is transcript.
“I slept and dreamed
Life was beauty
I woke and saw
Life was duty”