Saturday, July 17, 2010

Apart from deHinduising Hindus Macaulayan education has distorted Hindu religion and history

Apart from deHinduising Hindus Macaulayan education has distorted Hindu religion and history. As per this education, Hindus never resisted any foreign aggression, and they do not have any glorious history. This education suppresses how Hindus valiantly fought invaders for several centuries, and defended their religion and motherland. Sanskrit which is the best, sweetest and divine language (bhashasu mukhya madhura divya geervaan bharati) has been driven out of Indian schools and colleges by Macaulay's education. With the exception of Tirukkural which is in Tamil, almost all ancient Hindu scriptures like Vedas, Upanishads, Ramayan, Mahabharat are in Sanskrit. The UPA has succeeded in persuading more state governments to accept the NCERT texts. A report on Monday (January 5, 2009) said 12 more state governments have accepted to teach NCERT texts in their schools. For the last four weeks the Organiser is carrying a series of articles on the NCERT textbooks prescribed for students at the primary, secondary and higher secondary schools. We have found these books written with a peculiar mindset, to denationalise and deculturise the young Indian. These books fail to make the children aware of their true heritage. These books seem to distort even India's freedom struggle, Mahatma Gandhi's role and try to divide the society into different caste and class segments. Their idea is to convince the children that India as a nation came to exist only after August 15, 1947. We request the parents, teachers, students and scholars to join this academic exercise to expose the shenanigans behind promotion of these books in Indian schools.—Editor Though as per classical Indian tradition, "Sa vidya ya vimuktaye", (that which liberates us is education), modern Indian education binds one to Macaulay's anti-Hindu world.
Missionary-oriented colonial education (commonly known as Macaulay's education) was introduced in India in 1835 by Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-1859), a British national, who as a member of the Supreme Council of India was in India from 1834 to 1838. Macaulay's 'Minute on Education' approved by Governor General William Bentinck on March 7, 1835 downgraded Indian languages including Sanskrit, and replaced them with English. Macaulayan education has no place for Hindu scriptures, Hindu heritage and Hindu history. It was introduced to de-Hinduise Hindus; and to make them respect British rule over India. Though education should generate self-discovery, Macaulay's education generates self-alienation among Hindus. How India's cultural traditions were demolished by Macaulay is clear from Macaulay's biographer GD Trevelyan's observation, "A new India was born in 1835. The very foundations of her ancient civilisation began to rock and sway. Pillar after pillar in the edifice came crashing down."
With the creation of Pakistan and Partition of India on religious lines in 1947, truncated Bharat was expected to re-assert its Hindu identity and liberate itself from Macaulay's hold. But tragically in 1947, fake secularism (which in actual practice means anti-Hinduism) was foisted on Bharat because of which Macaulayan education is still de-shaping Bharat's destiny long after the British left Indian shores.
Macaulay had contempt for India's native Hindu culture. He wanted to de-Hinduise Hindus as is evident in his following letter dated October 12, 1836 to his evangelist father:
"Our English schools are flourishing wonderfully; we find it difficult to provide instruction to all. The effect of this education on Hindus is prodigious. No Hindu who has received an English education ever remains sincerely attached to his religion. It is my firm belief that if our plans of education are followed up, there will not be a single idolater among the respected classes 30 years hence. And this will be affected without our efforts to proselytise; I heartily rejoice in the prospect."
And how he wanted to proceed is seen from the following excerpt from his 1835 'Minute on Education':-
"We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect."
Since Macaulayan education has no place either for Sanskrit or for Hindu scriptures like Vedas, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Tirukkural etc., it has de-Hinduised most of the Hindus and transformed them into brown English clones ignorant of Hindu religion, Hindu heritage and Hindu history. De-Hinduised by Macaulayan education, and brain washed by Macaulayan main stream media, most of Hindu intellectuals, bureaucrats, journalists, MBAs, business persons, doctors, lawyers, chartered accountants, engineers, teachers and the rest know nothing about Hindu religion; and do not know any Mantra of Vedas or any Shloka of Ramayana, Mahabharata or Tirukkural. Accordingly, most of the Hindus are self-alienated and indifferent to attacks being made on Hinduism by anti-Hindu forces.
Apart from de-Hinduising Hindus, Macaulayan education has distorted Hindu religion and history. As per this education, Hindus never resisted any foreign aggression, and they do not have any glorious history. This education suppresses how Hindus valiantly fought invaders for several centuries, and defended their religion and motherland.
Hinduism is based on Vedas which are all embracing and permit no caste system or birth-based caste system. But to divide Hindu society, missionaries proclaim that Hindus follow a discriminatory birth-based caste system. Macaulayan education and Marxist historians encourage such anti-Hindu misconceptions.
In 1986, some attempts were made to modify Macaulay-ism. And during 1999 to 2004, HRD Minister Dr Murli Manohar Joshi tried his best to dislodge Macaulay's education. But after regaining power in 2004, Congress-led government has reinforced this education.
Though the Supreme Court approved 'National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2000' was already in place, after regaining power in 2004, Congress-led government got NCF 2005 prepared. And though the National Policy on Education, 1986 emphasised spiritual development, value based education, Indology, Yoga and Sanskrit, NCF 2005 rejects all these sentiments.
Entire curriculum is guided by Karl Marx who had declared, "Indian society has no history at all, at least no known history".
In his book The Story of Civilization: Our Oriental Heritage, Will Durant (1885-1981), the American historian, calls Muslim rule in India as the bloodiest story in history.
As against this, history books issued by National Council of Educational Research and Training, and written by Marxists, glorify Muslim rule in Hindu Bharat; and downgrade Hindu heroes like Prithviraj Chauhan, Maharana Pratap and Chhatrapati Shivaji. These books falsify history and denigrate Hinduism. As per these books, Ramayana and Mahabharat are mere fictions; and Ram and Krishna did not exist.
Apart from acting as academic cheerleaders for terrorists, many leftist historians are deliberately distorting history to make it compatible with Marxism. They support the discredited Aryan Invasion Theory, and deny the existence of ancient river Saraswati.
Marxists' interpretation of Indian history is motivated, fictional, anti-Hindu, self-righteous and objectionable. Inspired by their anti-Hindu agenda, these sham historians fabricate history to defend the actions of Muslim invaders and rulers like Muhammad bin Qasim, Mahmud Ghazni, Mohammad Gouri, Feroz Tughlak, Allauddin Khilji, Taimur, Bahmanis, Babar, Aurangzeb, Nadir Shah, and Ahmadshah Abdali. They suppress the killings of millions of Hindus, and destruction of thousands of Hindu temples by Muslim invaders over the centuries.
They reject the existence of glorious Hindu past. They dub their detractors as communal, and downgrade genuine historians. And for presenting anti-Hindu fiction as history, these fake historians are rewarded with national and international awards, honours and acclamations.
Sanskrit which is the best, sweetest and divine language (bhashasu mukhya madhura divya geervaan bharati) has been driven out of Indian schools and colleges by Macaulay's education. With the exception of Tirukkural which is in Tamil, almost all ancient Hindu scriptures like Vedas, Upanishads, Ramayan, Mahabharat are in Sanskrit. After banishing Sanskrit from education, Macaulayists call Sanskrit 'the dead language'. That shows their attitude towards Hinduism.
Ignorance of Sanskrit has made Hindus ignorant of their Sanskriti (culture), their religion, their heritage and their identity.
WAY OUT Ever since 1947, Macaulay's legacy has strengthened fake secularism. And fake secularism has brought disaster for Hindus in the shape of genocide and eviction of Hindus from Kashmir, Pak-Bangla combine's terrorist and demographic invasion to plant more Pakistans and Bangladeshs on Bharat's soil, and foreign-funded Christian missionary evangelisation by fraud and inducement. Moreover, Macaulayan curriculum has produced self-alienated Hindus who are indifferent to attacks on Hindus and Hinduism.
Accordingly, Hindus have to be liberated from Macaulayan education and spurious secularism. And to achieve this goal, 'secular India' has to be transformed into 'Hindu Bharat'.
Logically, in 1947, on India's Partition on religious basis and creation of Pakistan as demanded by Muslims, Bharat should have been declared a Hindu nation. But the problem can be solved even now by declaring Bharat a Hindu country. No one can object to Bharat being declared a Hindu nation when all the 57 Muslim-majority countries are declared as Islamic countries.
Hindu Bharat will have no place for anti-Hindu education as also for fake secularism.
Hindu Bharat will replace the current anti-Hindu education with a system that honours Hindu heritage, history and ethos. Besides, it will restore the dignity of Bharat's native languages. And since survival of Sanskrit is a must for survival of Hinduism, Hindu Bharat will revive Sanskrit and make it a regular subject in schools and colleges. And Hindu Bharat will ensure that its heritage and civilization survive.
Hindu Bharat will give justice to all and appease none. In Hindu Bharat, there will be one law and one nation; no distinction of majority and minority; and no discrimination, whatsoever, against any community.
Besides protecting Bharat's Hindu identity, Hindu Bharat will crush Pak-Bangla terrorist and demographic invasion, as also foreign-funded conversions.
Therefore, for the very survival of Hindus and Hinduism, all pro-Hindu individuals and organisations must work to transform India into a Hindu nation by all peaceful, constitutional and lawful means.
This is the only way to undo the colossal damage done by Macaulay to Hindus and Bharat.

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