Friday, November 2, 2012


More Muslims are urban than the National Average:   India's population is predominantly rural. In 2001 only 27.8% lived in urban areas, cities and towns of various sizes, showing a low degree of urbanization. Moreover, the tempo of urbanization has been quite low after 1981, with only about two percentage points rise in the share of the urban population over each decade. The Muslim population is also predominantly rural, but the level of urbanization among them has been higher than the population as a whole. In 1961, while overall only 18.0% of the population lived in urban areas, 27.1% of the Muslim population did so. This substantial gap has persisted, and in 2001, when 35.7% of the Muslim population was urban compared to 27.8% of the overall population.   In many states, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Chhattisgarh, the majority of Muslims live in urban areas. Muslims have generally been relatively more urbanized even in the past. By and large, India's Muslim population is less linked to land than the overall population. This is true even in rural areas. The 2001 census data show that whereas among all religions, 40 percent of rural workers were cultivators, among Muslims this figure was only 30 percent. Agricultural workers (cultivators and agricultural labourers combined) constituted 75 percent of rural workers overall but only 60 percent of Muslim rural workers. Experts believe that a number of historical factors lie behind the higher urbanization among Muslims in India.   As mentioned above, nearly 36 percent of India’s Muslim population lives in urban areas and almost all them are slum dwellers. Due to poor educational standard, they have to satisfied with low-pay jobs and hence unable to afford better accommodation. The other reason is that the Muslims dislike to live with non-Muslim kafirs and hence they are increasingly resorting to live in congested ghettos across the country that lack proper sanitation and other public facilities like fresh water supply, sanitation, electricity, schools, public health facilities, banking facilities, roads, and transport facilities. This is more pronounced in communally sensitive towns and cities. At the same time, living in ghettos seems not to be advantageous for the Community for another reason. It makes them more isolated from the mainstream population that add to their backwardness.
We are the ones who are sounding the clarion and awakening the world to be on guard against the danger of Islam. We are the ones who have put our lives in danger to protect your freedom and the future of your children. We are the ones who live in constant fear of being stabbed to death either in our own homes or in the streets to make sure that human civilization does not succumb to Islamic barbarity.
This is a war between civilization and barbarity, between evil and good and between truth and falsehood. Only truth can set us free. Please don’t fall prey to the deception and trick of Muslims. is not involved in spamming. Those who write to you to complain have an ax to grind against us. These are the same people that are plotting to kill you and your family and to make Islam dominant. These are the very people who will slit your throat and will rape your wife. Yes they will rape your wife. Listen to this Muslim who says he will rape your wife. He is not saying this because he is a bad Muslim. This is what Muhammad did and it is part of Islamic history and teachings. It is in the Quran. (4:24).
I am publishing my response to you because I don’t know how much strength you have to stand against Islamic bullying. I want our readers to know what happened if we are suddenly cut off.
I request our readers to kindly not spam you with emails. But they can voice their views through their comments bellow.
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