Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mankind has a habit of surviving worst catastrophes created by its own error or by violent turn of the nature

"Yadyapy ete na pasyanti
Kula-ksaya-krtam Dosam
Mitra-drohe ca patakam
katham na jneyam asmabhih
Papad asman nivastitum
Kula-ksaya krtam Dosam,
Prapasyadbhir Janardana."
"Even if these people, with minds blinded by greed, perceive no evil in destroying their own race and no sin by treason to friends, why should not we, O Krishna, who se clearly the sin accruing form the destruction of one's family, things of turning away from this crime?
"Atha cet tvam imam dharmyam,
Sangramam na karisyasi,
tatah svadharmam kirtimca,
Hitva papam avapsyasi."
"Now if you refuse to fight this righteous war, then shrinking your duty and losing your reputation, you will incur sin."
"Hato va prapasyasi svargam,
jitva va bhoksyase mahim,
Tasmad uttistha kaunteya,
yudhay krita nisc-ayah."
"Die and you will  heaven; conquer, and you enjoy sovereignty of the earth, therefore stand-up, Arjuna, determined to fight."
"He who having sworn by solemn oath at his coronation to protect the people from wrongful oppression fail to do so shall be slain as a mad dog”.( MAHABHARAT)
Politics is now regarded as the art of obtaining power and governing the masses through any means irrespective of objectivity towards its ends. The causality of intellectual honesty and lack of understandability with detachment are the result of confrontation and conflict of mutual interest.  Superiority over the command between rival groups resulting in the Cold War. Politics war considered to be the branch of ethics, but now it is a powerful brut force of human stupidity greed, jealousy and malice towards fellow citizens.  These forces sit over the command of the people. Man has many enemies such as lion, wolves, serpents, but is worst enemy is considered to be his own species with the man power having brutality and destruction at there commands.  Mankind has now arrived at crisis on account of its own fate, ignorance and superstition may co-ordinate with these forces which are considered to be the greatest enemy of civilisation.  It has come to stand still by the cumulative compulsion of divisive forces fighting with each other with materialistic approach towards life.
Mutual love and affection with sympathy towards human cause is based on ethics and not on the theory of give and take.  This is based on co-ordination and spiritual power of the individual. Our potential may provide a guide line for success.  In the recent time we have visualised that those politicians, who were indulged in accumulating the wealth without providing any consideration for justification of their action, they have undergone through a great mental agony, frustration, discomfiture and disappointment as those people who have provided their best co-ordination to drag these politicians for monetary considerations; they have completely ruined the carrier and reputation due to their criminal prosecution launched by the investigation authorities on the motivation of judicial accountability and the principle of trusty hood as one of the statutory obligation caste upon these custodian’s of power.
Marshal Stalin declared during world war "It would be ludicrous to identify the Hitler's clique with German people with the German State. The experience of history shows that Hitler's come and go, but the German people and the German State live on. President Roosevelt said - " I should be false to the very foundation of my religious and political conviction if I should ever relinquish the hope and even the faith -- that in all people without exception these lives some instinct for truth, some attraction towards justice and some passion for the people.  Buried as they may be under the brutal regime."
In anxiety to punish and disable Germany, the allied Powers flung her into abyssal of economic despair after the first World war, from where emerged the demon of Nazism. They drove them to the frenzy by injustice and then we make that excuse for not redressing the wrong. Hitler became Chancellor of Third Reich in January, 1933.  He re-armed Germany first secretly and then openly. He influenced the plebiscite which resulting in an overwhelming majority for return of Saar to Germany.  He denounced the military classes of the Versailles treaty and introduced, conscription in March, 1935.  He marched into demilitarised shine land zone in 1936. He threw himself on the side of France in Spain-Britain adopted the policy of non-intervention.  Hitler grew strength and confidence to fight against the atrocities committed by allied forces during the first World war against Germany.  The result as that that Austria brought back to the German provinces for which even Bismarck had not courage to speak.  The campaign started for liberation of Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia, a sovereign state bound by ties of treaty and friendship of Great Britain, France and Soviet Russia.  This was followed by seizure of memel and defacto annexation of still free Czech territories.  People grew furious. The occupation of Prague lead to the war.  Till this period Hitler was led to believe that his policies and programme was not likely to a arouse the hostility of Great Britain and France.  This has ultimately led to the second world war resulting into the loss of millions life and destruction through aggressive ambitions, which could have averted, if the allied forces have exercised their right of rebellion against the superior command.  There would have not been any number.  Trial and destruction of humanity by dropping two atom bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki to demonstrate the evil desire of domination by Americans at the end of the war.
Churchil spoke with enthusiasm of Mussolini's " Gentle and simple bearing " whole- heartedly from start to finish in the triumphant struggle against leninism on 20th January, 1927.  The Italian system was appreciated as being founded on two rocks:- (i) The separation of church and state; and (ii) The right of labour.  The Churchill's party defeat after Second World War a symbolic protest against appeasement of Nazi Germany and the opposite to Soviet Russia.
Japan was ally of Britain and France.  Japan invaded manchuria.  No single government felt that it as an attempt against the reign of law among nations.  Secretary of state for India said Japan has got a very powerful case based on fundamental realities against continual aggression of fundamental realities against continual aggression of vigorous, Chinese nationalism.  This was based on conscience decision by which the British were ruling in India. Japan acquired manchuria and Korea and continued to remain great friend of Great Britain till Japan had not joined Germany.
The western democracies were not condemned to the imperialist aggression of Germany.  Italy and Japan due to the reason as these countries were saddle in the same boat till the people asserted their rights and forced them to resist.  No country was free from sickness of selfish nationalism. The indisputable guilt of excess power should not blind us to the fact to cast the first stone with clear conscience.  If we tolerate wrong doing for long; we become responsible for it.
The loud complaints were mode against Germany when she launched the flying bomb and it was condemned as an " Instrument of blind malice."  "An aimless destroyer."  What about colossal violation of by Americans by dropping Atomic Bomb claimed 2,44,000 out of 2,50,000 population of the Hiroshima. All living things, human and animal in Hiroshima were literally shrouded to death by the Atomic Bombs.  Nagasaki suffered equally terrible losses. Both cities were a disastrous ruin.  It was not dropped in Europe, but in Asia purposely by Americans.  Although the poisonous gas was not used in the Second World War, but the American built London ship " Empire simba" of 5691 tonnes scuttled with 8000 tonnes of poison gas held in readiness which left a little scottish harbour to said out into the Atlantic Ocean.  But for atomic bomb there was not fear of retaliation as the excess power had no equivalent and for it.  The obvious difference between war and massacre is just here. The war is fought the massacre is merely suffered. We do not make war on people who do not fight and retaliate. We can only murder them, killing unarmed civilians by raining death on them from the clouds is condemned as contemptible crime. It is not war. 
President Truman under the grab of Japan's treacherous attack on pearl harbour justified the use of second Atom Bomb and that despotic contemptible criminal of humanity and further threatened to go on until Japan and her people either surrendered or were completely destroyed.
The Christian nations were using a licence to use there weapons under the validity of plea with an implied motive to attain the superiority over innocent Asian citizens; we have just massacre without retaliation of which  even barbarous nation would have ashamed while Germans replied to obey the command of their superior officers in a Nuremberg trial were given punishments should Americans be spared from the tremendous cruelties which innocent citizens have suffered ?  Whether the future generation bound to suffer due to the effect of radiation at Hiroshima and Nagasaki can forgive such crime ?  Once arms are being taken up all the reverence for divine or Human law were thrown away as they have got a  license to commit all the crimes without restraint. Whether it was a war of civilisation against barbarism ?  Whether Americans were fighting for moral and not for metalistic approach?  This grim ferocious epoch with vast horrors and miseries were inflicted by nations who claimed themselves to be the most civilised. The victorious allies were forgiven all compatible massacre of Japanese and humanity as justification urged for a military necessity.  The obliteration without previous warning to human being living at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a crime against the civilisation and there was no parallel to this crime in both the world wars. The fundamentalist of Nazi's slogan for military necessity justifying horrible and barbaric methods were left for behind by the Americans. The war which starts with noble object of fighting brute forces, bad faith, injustice, oppression and persecution ended by the outrage on humanity and civilisation.  Moral superiority were no where to get the victory over Axis power.  The defeated nations be treated in the spirit of tolerance, sympathy and goodwill and not in the spirit of distress, malice or hatred.
The British government cannot escape from the responsibility of deaths from 15-20 lakh of people living in India, a figure higher that the losses of lives of Hiroshima and Nagasaki people, a figure higher than the losses of whole British Common wealth in war over total period of 6 years which was estimated to be the only about 11 lakhs. In-spite of British rule in India over 150 years, that could not save the civilisations due to their imperialism policy.  The representatives of three big power Soviet Russia, United States and United Kingdom due to their respective rivalries were totally disappeared to fought against the Axis power, but the outcome of the war has resulted into the reproduction of another kind of Cold War based on economic censor and military superiority.  The recommendation of the present Truman for retaining the Atom Bombs by the Great Britain and United States for the alleged protection of the civilisation and will be used for keeping the peace was mere slogan.  It was said that the same will not be revealed to Russian.  The whole conception was fantastic.  Soon Russian speaking on October Revolution anniversary celebration in Moscow declared that " We too shall have Atomic energy and many other things."
General Degaulle, then Foreign Minister of France declared that the Ruineland be again placed under the joint strategic of military and political  security of France, Belgium, Holland and Britain, It should be once for all be cut-off from Germany in such a way that its inhabitants should realise that their future did not live with Germany.  If nation whose welfare depended on Ruler coal and industry imposed on international regime, some restriction than the rest of the Germany would certainly not be as powerful or rich as Germany would certainly not be as powerful or as rich as before and would never again be a danger because control over the ruler meant control of German industry.
The same is the fate of Indian continents given by the British imperialism through their diplomacy and enshrined policy of divide and rule in the state of partition in of Indian continents.  About 6 lakh Indian people lost their homes. Three successive battles were on the motherland and still more to be witnessed if the good sense will not prevail over vitious designs of imperialism.  British’s who still maintain their supremacy with remote control having significant interference from our leadership.  Recently the Americans aggressive bombardment on Korea, Vietnam and Iraq and thereby exploring the natural resources including petroleum products under the protective umbrella over Kuwait is the alarming signal for military aggression by the Americans.  The disintegration of existence of U.S.S.R and economic confrontation with China may further suggest that the land on which the future war will be fought, will be of Asians most probably belonging to the land of Indian continents.  The economic blockade to China and insurrection of multinationals in India continents may prove the substantial evidence for aggressive bombardment by the imperialism Americans. Our existence may be on stake as being visualised after second world war over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Let us try to avert through  constant constructive role for strengthening the national unity and if possible making a confederation of United States of Indian continents.  The unified Germany is the recent example of such unification of two portions of a great nation.
Let us visualise the impact of broad cast made by the President Truman on his return from Potsdam "America will maintain the basis necessary for be complete protection of our interests and of world peace (as being visualised by aggressive bombardment over Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Vietnam and recently in Iraq). We may acquire any other basis which our military experts deem to be essential for our protection (the production which was done by dropping two Atom bombs against the attack of Japanese on Pearl harbour), a policy of military imperialism.  Let us not forget that we are fighting for peace and for the welfare of mankind (slogan and false propaganda is
further aggravate the militants aggressive policies).  The strategical interest of America must be deemed to be extended upto Mediterranean, outside the site to  establish the necessary basis for our own protection.  We look for nothing which belong to any other Power- We seek to use our military strength solely to preserve the peace of the world, for we knew that it is the only way to make our own freedom secure."
The collapse of Soviet Union, the spectacular economic growth of China as most important power in international system after Americans and the drifts towards a confrontation shaping the dynamics of Cold War is the fresh indication of such policy being adhered to by the Americans in the recent future.  China has now emerging as superpower and the Clinton's assertion on of no confrontation policy may be provided with the stagnation over the Americans trade expansion policy, the arm's control establishment and thereby losing the popular support for the presidential candidature due to such policy and therefore the Americans have started realising the issues like expulsion of Dalai Lama, the freedom of Tibetan people and demonstrating it for international independence, identity of American alliance with military co-operation from Japan, Australia and South Korea.
This has further broadened the possible aggression by Americans and thereby providing uncertain strategic environment in Asia. It has to be kept in mind that the second world war was not the consequence of German aggressive policies of expansion of their strategic territorial superiority, but it was also the outcome of providing economic censor in Rhinland as a retaliation to the German attack during the first world war.
The suffering from the domination of Germany and Japan was fought while the imperial power do not like to get off the backs and cause of the depended people for  the independence-Racial pride is not a creation of Nazi's.  President Roosevelt said. "Radical strife renders us suspect abroad. Man of all races black, white, Brown and yellow fight beside us for freedom.  We cannot stand before the world as champion of oppressed people unless we practice as well as preach the principles of democracy for all men.  Race prejudice and radically justified injustices reveal the contrast between the promise and the performance of imperial power.  Britain could not have defended herself without help of Indians in the second world war--- what has  these British’s given to the Indian people?  The miseries our people may visualised by observing the apathy and thereby giving promotion to the fundamentalist to Muslims and the political aspirants Indians to see the creation of two nation theory. They cannot remove evil by announcing ideals." 
Stalin in November, 1941 declared "We have not nor can we have such war aims as the seizure of foreign territories or the conquest of other people's irrespective of whether European people's territory or Asiatic people's territories are concerned.  We have not nor can we have such aims as imposition of our will and our regime on Slavic and other enslaved people of Europe who are waiting for help.  Our aim is to help these people in their struggle for the liberation from Hitler's tyranny and then to accord them the possibility of arranging their own lives on their own lands as they see fit with absolute freedom."
The people of a week and backward country, however strong and healthy they might be, could only serve to be made examples of or as witnesses of such  futile spectacles; and it was not necessarily deplorable if many of them dies of prolong illness.  The most important thing is to change there spirit.  The real tragedy is to life up their voice among the living and meet with no response; neither approval nor opposition, just as if they are stranded in a boundless desert completely at loss.
Imagine an iron house having not a single window and virtually indestructible, with all its inmates sound asleep and about to die of suffocation.  Dying in their sleep they would not feel the pain of death.  Now if now you raise a shout to wake a few of the lighter sleepers, making these unfortunate few suffer the agony of irrevocable death, do we really think we're doing them a good turn?
It is true that there is no hope of destroying the iron house.  But still one can not blot out hope, for hope belongs to the futures.
There is no refutation of affirmation of the affirmation of faith clear day light swallowed up the lamp light. If we can persuade our citizens the American disastrous consequences of confrontation with imperialistic policy of expansion and thereby unified together to avoid these fundamentalists forces to raise their heads for forthcoming confrontation through collusion with each other, we hope we are discharging or obligations to serve the nation.
Unless progressive intellectuals with the capacity to fight and make their consistent and sustained efforts to sponsor and extend the cause of humanity by fighting with the evil design of divisive forces dominating over the arena of present political set-up of our nation, nothing can be achieved from the emancipation from the prevailing maladies and thereby resulting into the survivability of our civilisation in the complete darkness for future generation.
Nature has created men not to war but to friendship, not to destruction but to health, not to wrong but to kind and benevolence.  Nature has armed the beasts with armours.  Man alone left fourth naked, week, tender with the most soft flesh and smooth skin do better to be knitted together be the leagues and conventions.
Our politicians have yet to start thinking of making and enacting laws against the moral crime as one of the sociological need felt to amend on the ethical schools of law.  The law is not to be compared to a venerable antique, to be taken down, dusted admired and put back on the shelf moral damage is more terrible.  Politicians from the changes like chameleons. Thus the politically motivated sub-version of the popular mandate is now a common phenomenon.  Thus the law can not be the devoid of morality.  The courts of law are the proverbial to the temple of justice.  Tilting the balance of justice or sales of justice by weight of coin is the very antithesis of justice. Are the judges are indispensable?  If we tolerate them like that of imperial power having their superior commands over the whelmn of the people, we are also protecting that aggressive policies of imperialism over the innocent victim.  We cannot dispense with such a responsibility one has to fight for having a command over the whelmn of affairs in the country, otherwise we may witness the same fate of massacre committed over the defenceless citizens and thereby committing the greatest sin against the civilisation and humanity.  In the system where the law protect the corrupt politicians and judicial pronouncements keeping justice inaccessible to the poor and downtrodden, a class of lawyer who stood in forefront of national struggle offered the supreme sacrifice and untold miseries for the cause of independence should also rise the occasion and earn a probation and leisure had their command.
Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer in his book " Our courts on trial" while dealing with the heading "Justice thyself" has observed:- " The unbecoming of judicial misdemeanour, what was once a whisper, the rumour about Judges and there delinquencies has now become a conviction of their guilt among social realities, communalism and favouritism.  We want our judges to be a good man, not "boneless wonders" and bundles of bias, nor wheeler-dealers of justice who stoop to conquer why should turn to publicity merchant cultivate constituencies. Political and judicial influence.  Communist and economically powerful centre plead with ministers for monetary and other bonanzas?  Why do they run after Chief Minister for posh house, sites at nominal prices as happened in Bombay and Chandigarh.  Now that judges are banned from foreign hospitality without central approval, each judicial travel is becoming a ministerial favour".  "The present generation of judges should not preside over the liquidation of the great heritage.  We still have great hope, we still have great confidence in courts but the court down has begin and a national discussion among state men in politics and lawyers and scholars in social sciences is long over due to save the judges from themselves is now a  critical need".  "If the judicial process fails, people's sense of justice, violence fills the victim on the streets, not the courts, settle disputes."
Thus the solution lies in passing the suitable structures by the superior courted even disciplinary action to the departmental proceedings for every wrong judgement given by the person preceding over the court of law is the need of the time.  The common man seeks realisation of his aspiration in no sphere of public life.  The promise of better tomorrow has conveniently forgotten with a leaf turning and today there is a burning danger that the people will work out their destiny through the compelled cult of their own "Dirty Hands".
Our constitutional duties prudence appears to be nothing but accommodation, but ours it meant Settlement in regard to show shoe economic progress of our society.  So I has no Meaning for millions, I will not know how to into idea and fullest ideas as.  Mutual district, declared and in fight is on the Increase.  National discipline, co-ordination and co-operative of words have begun that casualties in the process. Strikes, Gherao’s and agitation  by the opportunist have become a common menace and bureaucracy and red tapism are well trenched  in the administration of Service enshrined and guaranteed as a alleged to be constitutionally recognised.  A well organised class is paralysing the entire administration resulting in complete departure of the cultural heritage with the generation of hatred and rampant corruption throughout  in the process of administration.  The mind is the restless bird, the more it gets the more it wants and still remains dissatisfied except is being controlled in proper discipline and restrictions which are completely  in the present set up of administration.
Laws are the aggregate of rules representing the collective wisdom of community and therefore applied  universally according to the circumstances conditions and requirements of the nation universally for the common human benefit of the people’s welfare and therefore made  applicable for the strict  enforcement of justice with the changing requirement and sanctity  of the rule of law.  Doubt perishes  the man while apathy to a particular situation ruined the civilisation.
Law and order to satisfy the needs of fast changing society has to be involved in order to meet out the challenges instead of remaining static. Thus the judicial thinking to be  constructed by the references which would adequately dealt with the new problems and therefore we no longer need the clutches of foreign legal system.  It has to be secured through the process of law.  That collective interest of the community so that parties do not lose faith in the institution and thereby indulge in private retribution is the prime objective of the legal  order.  The procedural safeguard should commensurate with the sweep of power . The wider the power, the greater than need for restraint in its exercise  and  correspondingly, more liberal construction of  our procedural safeguard envisaged  by statute.
Laws are the aggregate of rules representing is the collective wisdom of community and therefore applied universally according to the circumstances and conditions and requirement of the nation universally for the common human benefit of people's welfare and therefore made applicable for the strict enforcement of justice with the changing requirement and sanctity of the rule of law.  Doubt perishes the man while apathy to  a  particular situation ruin the civilisation.

Law in order to satisfy the needs of fast changing society has to be evolved in order to meet out the challenges instead of remaining static.  Thus the judicial thinking to be constructed by reference which would adequately deal with the new problems and therefore we no longer need the crutches of foreign legal system.  It has to be secured through the process of law.  The collective interest of the community so that parties do not lose faith in the institution and thereby indulge in private retribution is the prime objective of the legal order.  The procedural safeguards should commensurate with the sweep of  power. The wider the power, the greater the need for restraint in its exercise and correspondingly, more liberal the construction of procedural safeguards envisaged by the statute .

An independent and honest judiciary is sine qua non for rule of law.  It is imperative to protect the honest officers from motivated misconceived  complaints made by unscrupulous litigants  while on the other hand infallibility is an unreliable ideals, correctness is often a matter of opinion.  Thus ability to anticipate the fallibility is the gift of a prophecy consideration of finality are  subject to the paramount of justice but the remedial action must be appropriate upon which the administration of justice may rest.  Thus the law can not afford any favourite other than truth.  Life of law is not logic; it has been experienced however logic may not be ignored  when experience is silent.

There has been erosion of faith in the dignity of the court and in the majesty of the law.  The procedural wrangle is eroding the faith in our judicial system and one must introvert turn the search light over the process of deterioration inwardly.  Therefore, the law must be definite and such as basic  postulate is the requirements of the consistency in judicial decision making process and at the same time, there is the need for foreign flexibility. No straight jacket formula can be laid down for judicial functioning.  The concept of public accountability of the judicial system and the professional competency with ability to promote the justice is perhaps overdue and the courts are ill equipped to speculate and seldom at contrary to democratic principles.  Values in public life have undergone serious erosion during last few decades what was unheard is a common talk of the day.  The new value orientation has undergone in our culture and we are at the threshold of the cross roads of these values.  This is a difficult situation.

One makes Law legal only by giving its operation . The consent of one's conscience.  A moral obligation to disobey is not less compelling merely because an individual is powerless and that his disobedience may  lead to punishment through powerful despotic monarch.  It is always electoral of pre-medication to adopt justice as synonymous to law, which may be the command of the stranger, but the humanity and conscience will always be prone to launch a protest through expression against such command of law who has no sanctity of justice behind it.  The problem of obedience of unjust law is the root cause for a right to right to rebellion and delicate balance is being observed in the history of civilisation.  The position of soldier under section 41 of the Army Act, 1950 as making disobedience to unjust immoral offence is in practice difficult to tackle as being liable to be shot at by a court martial and if he disobeys  to be hanged by a judge.  There is a concurrent conflicting demands of choosing either of the two.  The discipline and of supremacy of law.  It is difficult to examine and being aware of a illegality of the order and therefore law contrives an objective test. The  Nuremberg trial has further declared that Nazis law and order of dictator must confirm to minimum morality.  If it does not stand this test, the disobedience to unjust command will not often the discipline and rule of law will prevail.

Resistance to oppression is the consequence of other rights.  When the government violates the rights of the people, insurrection  for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of all rights and the most indispensable of all duties.
Abraham Lincon’s famous slogan “Government for the people ,by the people and of the people means that the people can exercise their constitutional rights and revolutionary rights to dismember and overthrow the government.  Thus rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.  Whenever any government becomes destructive of certain  inalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, the people have the right to alter or abolish it.  The abuses and usurpation design to reduce the existence of the individual and to act like absolute despotism, it is the right and the duty to throw of such government and provide security to the citizens.

The rebellion against government is further justified when the majority of the people are oppressed by a despotic minority and then it becomes a moral duty of men who love liberty not to permit any moral rights to rebel against the majority.  Practice of non-violent methods of rebellion as a means to end tyranny  has been justified by  our founder father but tyranny which makes reforms impossible is difficult to be tackled down and in that situation only the public opinion can safeguard the interest of the society.

The obligation to obey the law is always linked with the question of justification for the natural outburst with  the right  to revolution.  The ultimate raison de etre for you social discipline is reconcile apparently with conflicting claim of liberty and law.  The justification to obey the law through civil disobedience involves conscious disapproval of government's action.  The other factor of disobedience is through  non-enforcement of the sovereign power of imposition of tax law and when ever the protest has the justification for not agreeable as unable to conscience to obey  it.  The peace and tranquillity of the realm is always supreme as such violent emotion is unwarranted by moral law .Socrates, who  searched into things under the earth and in heaven and therefore  the youth refused to hold his tongue and prepared that as he realised that law applies with equal force to all to maintain ordered  society and in order to resist against.  Unjust law are must not to being afraid of being incurred in punishment for disobedience, if his conscience permit him to do so.

Recent events have revealed the damage of letting ashore on body politics  to fester for  to long, the solution must be consistent with the unity of the country and national interest and not on as can result in claim of reaction detrimental to those interest.Despite the enduring the assurance by every political party in the parliamentary democracy for country’s stability progress and radical reform, there is a complete social disruption. Sometime there is ideological compatibility due to personality cult and dynasty rule over primitive society but when there starts inherent contradictions and ego concentric personality clashes, the country stability ,progress and radical reform comes to ignominiously halt.

Socialism is to social justice , what ritual is to religion and Dogma is to the truth.  Our present politicians has imposed so called mindless sociological arrangement on the nation under the garb of  socialism which has held in thrall the people endeavour and enterprise resulting in the transfer of wealth from the honest  to dishonest opportunist, merit to the  demerit; quality with the quantity and justice with injustice in the guise of giving social protection.  This is the reason that 231 public-sector enterprises run by Union government and 636 by the state  government of extracting the material resources from public exchequer realising exorbitant price from India's doctrines socialism.  If the politicians are actually concerned and they should have provided the financial security to the backward classes as to enable them to survive by distribution of resources with a logical distributive justice.  There is only quantitative growth without  quantitative developments.  The  influential politicians who preferred to let socialism remain  the opiate the  people and  of whom it can be truly said that if the ignorance is the bliss they should be happiest men alive.  Gandhi ji said “Economics that hurts the moral well-being of individuals or nation is immoral and therefore, sinful .  True economics never militate against highest ethical standards, just as all true ethics to be worth of  its name just at the same be also good economics.  An economics that inculcates worship and enables the strong, to mass wealth  of the expenses of the weak is a false and dismal science.  It spell death true  economics on the other hand stands for social justice, it promotes the good of all equally including the weakest and is indispensable for decent life.  Gandhi ji told “I do not believe that multiplication of wants and machinery and contrives to supply them is taking the world  single  step nearer its goal ……a wholeheartedly  detests with. This met desire to destroy the distance and time, to increase animal appetites and go to the ends of the earth in the search of their satisfaction.  If modern civilisation stands for all this and I have understood to do so I call it Satanic” .

“A civilisation, in real sense of the term consists  not in the multiplication but in deliberate and voluntary reduction of wants.

“Industrialisation on a mast scale would necessarily lead to passive or active exploitation of  the villagers as a problem of corruption and marketing come in.  Nothing should be allowed to be produced by the cities which can equally well be produced by villagers.  The proper function of the cities is to serve as clearing houses for village products. Here are more hands than required for the work and therefore the problem is how to utilise the idle hours, they will render unemployed.  The concentration of production and distribution in few hands  privilege  oriented monopoly.   The industrialisation must not deprive people from environment, must but must in village artisan to reduce his drudgery and improve his efficiency”.

This  is the  answer to  the concentration industrialisation in the cities having no air to breathe at Delhi 460 S.P.M level ,Calcutta 460 S.P.M level 350 S.P.M level each. Justice  H.R. Khanna, when appointed as commission of inquiry in the year 1967 in respect of the matter relating to the charge of corruption  against  the minister’s of Orrisa including three Chief ministers, one of whom was Biju Patnaik while dealing with 70 charges of corruption levelled against them, was faced a situation dealing with the arguments advanced on behalf of two ex chief ministers, that there was no prescribed code of conduct for the ministers to held them guilty of impropriety, that ministers cannot use their officer or allow them to be used for furthering the business interest of his family members to have commercial dealing with the State as they themselves never passed orders in respect of such transactions.  Justice Khanna observed that a person on being a minister becomes  the custodian of the public interest.  Thus he should  so formulate his politics and his activities that there is no possibility of the clash between his personal interest and the public interest.  The role of minister has got to be that of pioneer  rather than a pirate, of the public to sentinel  rather than  of self  seeks of one dedicated to the public cause and not one obsessed with the desire of personal gain -- --  what is needed is a climate of strong public opinion where in none  may dare to deviate from the path of rectitude .  Law can  punish only occasional lapses quoting a classic passage of judge hand. “ I often wonder whether  we do not rest  our hopes too much upon our constitution, upon laws and upon courts.  These are false hopes liberty lies in the hearts of men and women.  When it dies there no constitution, no law, no court can do much is to help it while it lies that it needs no constitution, no law ,no court ", to save it.  The question  is whether the laws  speaking through the authority of the courts to deal with such threat to the security of the state, shall be absolutely silenced and reduced mute spectator because of such threat.  The answer has to be given to the public.  A raise weary of its own blood shed and diversities should cultivate public opinion which may offer the only chance for the survival of the species.  The best guarantee for such situation is good sense of those in power, the vigilance of the people and the pressure of the public opinion.

This is an  alarming situation which spell out the gravity and further invite peoples co-ordination to formulate public opinion to fight through the policy of non- co-operation which has provided the independence from the British rule by our leader Mahatma Gandhi .
“Every day that comes and goes,
every mile the river flows,
says to me and say  to you,
much there is to learn and do,
for the water and the day,
 no more will pass this way”.

Mankind has a habit of surviving worst catastrophes  created by its own error or by violent  turn of the nature and it must be so if there is any meaning in its existence, if its history and continuous survival is not the accident of a fortuitously  self organising chance which  it must be a purely materialistic view of the nature of the world.  If man intended to survive and carry forward the evolution of which he is at present the head  and to some extent of half conscience leader of its  march , he must come out of this present chaotic  life and arrive at the organised efforts.  The ideal situation would be fulfilled by the accomplishment and preservation of the people from its own extinction by the folly committed by his own species.

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