Saturday, November 10, 2012

YOGESH KUMAR SAXENA Advocate Allahabad High Court & Supreme Court General Secretary ALL INDIA BAR ASSOCIATION

When I YOGESH KUMAR SAXENA Advocate Allahabad High Court & Supreme Court General Secretary ALL INDIA BAR ASSOCIATION went abroad to attend WORLD PARLIAMENT EXPERIMENT at Bonn Germany and visited Munich , Kankan, Dusseldorf, Hamburg in Germany for 15 good days , it was with a clear understanding that, once I finish my tour, I would return to India. Hindu unity is world unity and world peace and prosperity.  Hindu Unity also aims at projecting Hindu Dharma which believes in the adage of “Sarve Bhavantu Sukhi Nah”, let everybody be happy. I took a decision when My tour ended; that it made sense for me to stay in the Germany for a few years more, enjoy my remaining  youth, hard money earning habit  and then return and stand for elections as Member of Parliament from the constituency my Village, which  has represented for my vitality for  so many decades with people. I remember to have repeated from my earliest childhood, which is every day repeated by millions of human beings: 'As the different streams having their sources in different places all mingle their water in the sea, so, O Lord, the different paths which men take through different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee.' Currently there appears to be a lot of discussion and arguments regarding the Greatness of Ancient Bhaarat in most of the fields like, Science, Mathematics, Metallurgy, Astronomy etc. People do ask questions that if that were the case, why the situation has currently seen so deteriorated? They appear to be praising the British Rule and excuse all their criminal acts.
WE NEED MORE JUSTICE. When it fails, it should be fixed and ignored until it is fixed. For more harm can come from a bad system that fails everyone again and again than from random individual acts outside a system. Criminal law was set up to institutionalize revenge. The idea is to replace the revenge of the victim and his family with the revenge of the state. There are several good reasons for doing that: to make proper factual determinations of who is responsible and the appropriate penalty, to end the cylce of revenge which could otherwise extend through time, and to protect the weak who may not have the means of revenge. However, the American justice system fails on all counts and seems not to even understand its purpose. It has been subverted by lawyers who care only about themselves and their profession. What is a judiciary without justice? What is a legal system without truth? If you are wronged in court, you must become an angel of justice...

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